
Dinner Voucher

Only member companies and their guests can attend the Eisbeinessen. Each guest pays a lump sum entrance fee (dinner voucher). This includes free wardrobe for your guests, the ordered food (Eisbein or Kassler) all beverages and coffee at various coffee bars. All drinks are free from 6.00 pm until 2.00 am.

A leaflet with detailed information on the procedures and meals selection will be available for our member companies from end of August 2019 on. Members can order the leaflet by Email.

The Dinner-Voucher can only be ordered via the Member’s login and only by members of the Hamburg and Bremen Shipbrokers´ Association.
Members can pick up their pre-ordered tickets on October 29, 2019 at the official Eisbein ticket sale at the office of the Hamburg and Bremen Shipbrokers’ Association (VHBS), Schopenstehl 15, 20095 Hamburg between 9.00 am – 12.00 am.

The tickets can be paid in cash or check! Credit or debits cards will not be accepted
. An invoice is issued on the spot.

After Dinner Voucher

Guests who are not able to participate in the Eisbeinessen itself can purchase so-called After Dinner ticket from 9.00 pm. The price includes all beverages up to 02.00 am. The After Dinner Voucher can be purchased as follows:

From 29 October 2019 until 8 November 2019 every day from 9.00 am to noon in the VHBS office, Schopenstehl 15, 20095 Hamburg.

After 8 November 2019 After-Dinner-Tickets will only be availabe on Friday, 15 November 2019 at 9.00 pm at the box office of the Hamburg Messe und Congress, Hall B6, Karolinenstraße, 20357 Hamburg.

Due to the renovation of the CCH the Eisbeinessen-Dinner will take place in Hall B6 on the fairgrounds. The Eisbeinessen will return to the CCH in 2020, God willing!

Rechtshinweis / Teilnahme Eisbeinessen

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine Haftung übernehmen. Die Teilnahme am Eisbeinessen erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Film- und Fotoaufnahmen gemacht werden. Der Veranstalter ist dazu berechtigt, Fotos und Filme der Veranstaltung für journalistische Fachartikel oder die eigene Homepage zu verwenden. Durch Ihre Teilnahme erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden. Mit Ihrer Anmeldung erklären Sie ebenfalls Ihr Einverständnis, in der Teilnehmerbroschüre namentlich genannt zu werden.

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